0850 308 0 308
Contact Center

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the differences in car rental prices?

Car rental prices may vary depending on the segment, make/model, gear type, fuel type, rental period and additional services/products received during the rental period. In addition, the supply status of the requested vehicle (more/less in stock) and the rental time (weekends, public holidays, etc.) affect the prices.

How to submit corporate rental requests?

Your request is received through the RentiCar Contact Center at 0850 308 0 308 and a return is provided by the relevant unit.

What does a mileage limit or unlimited kilometers mean?

Mileage limitations vary according to the conditions set by the car rental companies. A certain mileage limit can be imposed daily or during the car rental period, or a car can be rented without any mileage limit.

Can the rented vehicle be used by a different person?

The right to use the rented vehicle belongs to the person designated as the driver during the vehicle delivery process. Upon request, 'Additional Driver' option can be offered for a certain fee.

What are the services offered by the Contact Center?

You can reach RentiCar Contact Center (24/7) at 0850 308 0 308 for all transactions related to car reservation, any complaints, requests and questions.

Is it possible to rent without paying a deposit?

Although deposit collection is a situation that varies according to car rental companies; the general practice is not to rent without a deposit.

How can extra services/products be purchased?

The services/products offered vary according to the car rental company. Detailed information can be obtained from the car rental company during vehicle delivery.

What to do if a license plate is lost?

In case the license plate of the vehicle is lost or stolen, please contact the company you rented the vehicle from. If the company cannot be reached, please contact the RentiCar Contact Center at 0850 308 0 308. In case of theft or loss, a report must be made through law enforcement officers.

What to do if a license is lost?

In cases such as the theft of the vehicle's license, please contact the company you rented the vehicle from. If the company cannot be reached, please contact the RentiCar Contact Center at 0850 308 0 308. In case of theft, a report must be made through law enforcement officers.

What to do when the key is lost?

In case of loss of the vehicle key, you should immediately contact the company where the vehicle was rented. If you cannot reach the relevant company, you can contact the RentiCar Contact Center at 0850 308 0 308.

What to do if a vehicle is stolen?

A complaint should be filed immediately with the nearest law enforcement agency. The car rental company and the RentiCar Contact Center at 0850 308 0 308 should be informed about the matter.

Who is responsible for vehicle inspection in monthly rentals?

Inspection and exhaust measurement times are reminded to you by the company you rented the vehicle from. In such cases, the costs belong to the company providing rental service. In order to avoid any inconvenience, please check the validity period of the inspection on the license when renting your vehicle and when the time comes, have your inspection done and take your receipts and send them to your car rental company by keeping a copy of them with you. You can have your vehicle inspection and exhaust emission measurement performed at any TÜVTÜRK station. An online appointment must be made by visiting www.tuvturk.com.tr. Please have your inspection procedures done with the inspection authorization letter you will receive from the company.

What to do if the malfunction or vehicle warning lights come on?

The car rental company should be contacted immediately by stopping the vehicle in a safe place. In case of inaccessibility, the RentiCar Contact Center at 0850 308 0 308 should be called. The vehicle should not be driven while the warning lights are on.

What to do in case of an accident?

In case of a one-sided accident, it is mandatory to prepare an accident report through law enforcement officers. Taking photographs of the accident scene and the vehicle will be useful for the safety of the process.

What is the procedure in case of an accident while the leased vehicle is being driven by an unregistered driver?

If the driver involved in the accident is not registered (primary or additional driver), the insurance is not liable for any damages and all liabilities must be borne by the driver who rented the vehicle.

How does the replacement vehicle process work in case of damage or annual maintenance of the vehicle?

The annual routine maintenance of the vehicle belongs to the company providing rental service. In case of possible damage, the replacement process is operated according to legal regulations.

What are insurance transactions? How is it done?

Practices regarding insurance transactions vary according to the car rental company and the insurance services offered by this company. Traffic insurance of the vehicle is compulsory, and for insurance services other than this, you can create additional assurance by obtaining information from the car rental company upon delivery of the vehicle.

What are the conditions that are not covered by insurance?

Insurance coverage varies according to car rental companies and the insurance conditions they provide. It is recommended to get detailed information from the rental company during the vehicle delivery phase.