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What happens if someone else drives the rental car?

Having another person drive the rental car can have some important consequences during the rental process. This involves various responsibilities for both the renter and the person designated as an additional driver. Here are the possible effects of someone else driving the rental car:

Insurance Needs:

Rental companies usually ask for the renter's information to identify the user of the vehicle and arrange insurance coverage. If another person will be using the vehicle, that person's information must be shared with the company. Otherwise, in the unlikely event of an accident, insurance protection may be limited and the entire damage may be blamed on the renter.

Additional Fees and Policies:

The use of an additional driver is usually subject to additional fees. When the renter designates another person to drive the vehicle, additional driver fees set by the rental company must be paid. Also, the rental company's policies must be adhered to.

Breach of Rental Agreement:

Rental companies stipulate that vehicles must be used by a specific person or persons. Unauthorized use by another person is a breach of the rental agreement. This can cause problems between the rental company and the customer and may result in additional penalties.

Driver's License and Driving License Checks:

Rental companies require the person who will be driving the vehicle to have a valid driver's license. If another person will be driving the car, they must also have a valid driver's license and meet the required age criteria. Otherwise, the rental company may prevent this person from driving the vehicle.

Liability and Damage:

The renter assumes responsibility if the vehicle is used by someone else. This means that in the event of an accident, damage or traffic violation, the responsibility lies with the renter.

As a result, the use of a rental car by someone else requires careful planning and cooperation with the rental company. Steps such as identifying an additional driver, paying additional fees and sharing the necessary information clarify the responsibilities of the renter and the additional driver and minimize potential problems.

Accident, Damage and Missing Embezzlement Status