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Is the responsibility for paying the Motor Vehicle Tax (MTV) the responsibility of the user or the car rental service provider?

Car owners in Turkey often face many questions about their responsibility to pay the Motor Vehicle Tax (MTV), which is among the legal obligations of their vehicles. In particular, people who receive car rental services wonder whether the responsibility for paying MTV belongs to them or the car rental company. Having a clear understanding on this issue is important for both users and car rental companies.

MTV Payment Responsibility: On the Car Rental Company

During the car rental process, the car rental company is generally responsible for official taxes, insurance policies, insurance policies, insurance policies and regular maintenance. These are essential responsibilities for the safety and legal compliance of the vehicle. In this context, the car rental company regularly fulfills tax payments, including MTV payment, and ensures that the vehicle is used legally in traffic.

Traffic Fines and Tolls: Belongs to the User

However, there are a few important points that users should pay particular attention to during the car rental process. Payments such as traffic fines and tolls usually belong to the vehicle user. For example, bridge and highway tolls are paid by the user of the vehicle. In addition, fines for non-compliance with traffic rules are also the responsibility of the user.

Communication between the User and the Car Rental Company:

A healthy communication between the user and the car rental company is of great importance regarding the tax and payment responsibilities that arise during the car rental process. The rental agreement should be clear and understandable about tax responsibilities and other financial obligations. Informing the user about these issues both prevents disputes and makes the rental process smoother.

Awareness of Users:

It is important that people who receive car rental services are aware of the financial obligations of the vehicle they use. Regular payment of taxes such as MTV is a critical element for the vehicle to be used smoothly in traffic. Users should communicate clearly with the rental company on these issues, get information about their responsibilities and request support when necessary.


The responsibility for paying the Motor Vehicle Tax (MTV) generally lies with the car rental company. However, some payments such as traffic fines and tolls belong to the user. Therefore, during the car rental process, it is important that users carefully review the contracts, be aware of their tax and payment responsibilities, and have a clear understanding by communicating with the company if necessary. In this way, both parties can have a smooth rental experience.

Accident, Damage and Missing Embezzlement Status