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Yenikapi IDO Rent a Car

Yenikapi IDO Rent a Car

Istanbul Yenikapı IDO Rent a Car

Yenikapı, a district of Istanbul province, is located on the coastal part of the Marmara Sea. Yenikapı is also one of the gates of the walls of Istanbul. There are districts of Satmaya in the west of the district, Kumkapi in the east and Aksaray districts in the north. In the coastal districts of the Sea of Marmara, the same applies to Yenikapı, as is often the case with the concentration of Greek and Armenian citizens. A period of time has become a district where a lot of entertainment is experienced. Istanbul Yenikapı is among the districts where IDO car rental service is most in demand. Sea buses and ferries to various points in the Marmara Sea leave from Yenikapi. For this reason, both inbound and outbound passengers are easily and comfortably catching up with their vehicles.

Places to Visit in Istanbul Yenikapi

Yenikapı is connected to Fatih, one of the districts of Istanbul that houses the most valuable places in it. It is unlikely that you can walk, internalize and enjoy the things that exist in the district in one day. You need at least 2 days to see the sights of this district, mosques, churches and a lot more. Now let's touch on the most prominent ones for you.

Yenikapı city park located west of Yenikapı IDO pier, north of Kennedy street. It is among the largest parks in Europe. 578 square meters of area is created on land, 57 thousand square meters are also created independently of land with the filling of the sea. Rallies and concerts are held here. There are also cafés, restaurants, and tea gardens where you can meet your needs.

And of course, it is impossible to come here and return without seeing it, but the influx of domestic and foreign tourists is the Sultanahmet. Covering a total area of over 10,000 square meters with five main domes, eight secondary domes and a large inner courtyard, the mosque is the only mosque with six minarets.

Gulhane Park, which has hosted many films, is a peaceful place where you can stand out from the crowds of the city and breathe, trapped every shade of green. Previously, this place was used as the outer garden of Topkapi Palace and belonged only to the sultan's family. Now it's open to everyone.

In order to discover and enjoy Fatih, Yenikapı district, where there are more numerous places, you can reach the places you want to go faster and much more comfortably by taking advantage of car rental service.

Istanbul Yenikapı IDO Car Rental Options

Istanbul Yenikapı IDO is a very central location. Although there is a region where you can find all kinds of transportation methods, you cannot get the comfort of providing transportation with your own vehicle. Enjoy completing your entire process peacefully with RentiCar, where customer satisfaction is at the forefront. Visit Renticar.com, select the date range and rent the car of your choice. Do not face surprises.

İstanbul Bus Station Car Rental

İstanbul Frequantly Asked Questions About Car Rental

How to rent an car in Istanbul Yenikapı IDO?

You can easily make your Istanbul Yenikapı IDO car rental transactions and enjoy your journey by selecting the date zone and features suitable for you through our Istanbul Yenikapı IDO related page.

What is the price of car rental in Istanbul Yenikapı IDO?

Istanbul Yenikapı IDO car rental prices vary depending on many factors such as the model of your chosen vehicle, fuel type and age. You can select any filters on our page and access the list of tools that suit you.