Tart, Pie, Tartolet? For Those Confused

Do you say, "I had it recently, what was the name of it?" Well then, let's write this article for those who confuse the names of these delicious flavors and also for those who say hmmm what the heck are these?
What is a tart?
Tart is a type of dessert with a pastry base and sides, filled with cream. The top is also completely open. The filling of the tart is usually creamy and in the form of a filling. Ingredients such as lemon, apple, chocolate and strawberry are either used in the filling or to enrich the cream placed on the pastry both visually and in terms of taste. The filling of the tart has to be particularly smooth.
What is a pie?
Pie, like tart, is a fruit cake with a base and sides made of dough and filled with cream. The differences from a tart are that the pie has a lattice-shaped top layer made of its own dough, or sometimes it is completely covered with dough. While foreigners usually cover it completely with a thin dough, in Turkey it is more often covered with a lattice.
What is a tartolet?
And the delicious tartlet is actually a tart-type dessert. But tartolet is a mini version of tart. Like a tart, it has an open top and filling cream inside. Prepared in molds, it is usually baked in molds for single servings. It is a type of cake prepared with fruit. Cook uncovered.
These three desserts, one of the indispensable flavors of the kitchens, are indispensable for dessert lovers.
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